Thé Ural Specialist
Do you want to buy a sidecar? Or are you looking for a good garage for maintenance or repair? Go to the best place in the Netherlands for Ural, Dnepr and Chang Jiang. |
RB Motorhandel (Motorcycle Trade) Honest and passionate. Richard Busweiler and his father live Ural. They have been buying, selling, servicing and repairing Ural and related brands for decades. Everything in the spectrum from oldies from the 50s to brand new Urals with EFI, Electronic Injection System. The technique has been greatly improved in recent decades, but fortunately the shape remains classic. If you are interested in the nicest sidecar brand ever, visit them and let yourself be infected with the U-virus. I want quality for my customers, so my Ural goes to Richard for the best maintenance. |